NORDEConsult is an environmental consultancy company focusing on innovative and sustainable solutions for industries and authorities.
Nordeconsult Sweden AB was founded in the early 2006. The company gathers environmental experiences developed for more than 20 years in the Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland).

The mission of NORDEConsult is to introduce cost-effective and sustainable
environmental technologies and solutions in industries and authorities. To inform and
advise our clients on how to deal with rapidly evolving developments in the fields of environmental protection.
November 2010: Workshop in Shenyang, China
Nordeconsult Sweden AB took part in the workshop "Risk of chemical additives and recyecled materials" which took place in Shenyang in November 2010. The workshop was part of the EU-supported project RISKCYCLE
October 2010: Public Participation meeting at Durrell Wildlife, Jersey, UK
Nordeconsult Sweden AB attended the Public Participation meeting (PPM) that took place at Durrell Wildlife in October 2010. The PPM was the first PPM taking place in the EU-ZooS project where Nordeconsult Sweden AB is the coordinator.
May 2010: Workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam
Nordeconsult Sweden AB took part in the workshop "Risk-based mangement of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global stage" which took place in Hanoi in May 2010. The workshop was part of the EU-supported project RISKCYCLE
September 2009: EU RISKCYCLE project started
Nordeconsult Sweden AB is a beneficiary in the EU-supported coordination action "Risk-based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at global scale - RISKCYCLE". The project is coordinated by the Technische Universitet Dresden and has 18 beneficiaries from different parts of the world. The kick-off meeting took place in Barcelona in October 2009.
September 2009: Nordeconsult Sweden coordinator in new EU-funded project
Nordeconsult Sweden AB is the coordinator in the EU-supported coordination action "EU Zoos and Science in the 21st Century: engaging the public in nature conservation - EUZooS-XXI" The project has seven (7) beneficiaries and the kick-off meeting took place in Copenhagen in September 2009.
May 2009: Nordeconsult Sweden AB signs agreement
April 2008: EU RIOS-project Workshop
The EU RIOS-project Workshop was held in Albufeira (Portugal) at Zoomarine, on the 17-19th of April.
February 2008: EU RIOS-project first reults available
October 2007: RIOS-project presented at the Sea Alarm 4th Conference
The RIOS-project was presented at the 4th Sea Alarm Conference held on October 1 � 3, 2007, in Ostend, Belgium
April 2007: EU RIOS-project started Contract N. 036891 (GOCE)
Nordeconsult Sweden AB is the coordinator of EU Specific Support Action project RIOS- Reducing the Impact of Oil Spills. The project is a partnership between Nordeconsult, Sea Alarm (Belgium) and Zoomarine (Portugal). The kick-off meeting took place in Brussels on the 12th April 2007.