RIOS - Contract Nš 036891 (GOCE)

The Project is funded by the European Union. The content of these pages does not necessarily

represent the opinion of the EC nor is the latter responsible for any use of the information given here.









In April 2007 the European project RIOS - Reducing the Impact of Oil Spill was started. RIOS-project is focus on minimising the negative impacts of oil spills on the wildlife. The main objective of this specific support action is to develop an action plan for future research in the area of rehabilitation of oiled animals and to stimulate contacts and future cooperation with scientists/researchers, marine wildlife rehabilitators, zoological professionals, veterinarians, biologists, NGOs, the oil industry and governmental organisations.

The projects' consortium is composed of Nordeconsult (Sweden), Sea Alarm Foundation (Belgium) and Zoomarine (Portugal). The consortium will work in cooperation with the experts group to identify the state-of-the-art and the research priorities. A report will be produced, which will be used as a background document.

An international workshop will be organised in Algarve (Portugal) on 17-19 April 2008 with the objective of gathering stakeholders to discuss research needs regarding marine oil pollution. The project will be finished in October 2008.

The results will provide inputs for a future strategy on mitigation, risk assessment, management and rehabilitation options of animals (e.g. oiled birds). Furthermore, RIOS-project aims at potentially help the preparation of the future Framework Programme, by developing an action plan for research activities relating to the recovery activities after oil spills. The action plan will include future research priorities identified by all relevant stakeholders during the course of the project.

If you would like to contribute with your opinion and experience, please fill in the questionnaire (to be sent by email) or send us an email:

Questionnaire (43,0 KB)

If you need further information, please contact:

Claudia Jesus-Rydin
Nordeconsult Sweden AB, Sofiaparken 3C
SE-222 41 Lund, Sweden
Phone +46 - 070 380 3013
Fax +46 - 46 240 24 77


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Last Modified: 24.09.2007